RCG brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the diverse and challenging projects that it undertakes around the world. Our consultants have a reputation for professionalism, innovation and high ethical standards.

RCG offers access to expert consultants in migration and counter-trafficking, private sector engagement, rural livelihoods and resilience, and education and inclusion.

RCG experts are committed to:

Blending experience with new ideas

Each of RCG’s principal consultants has 15 or more years of experience in international development work. We have a deep knowledge of past and current trends and a commitment to innovation. We also value the lessons of the past — what has worked, and just as importantly, what hasn’t worked.

Objective, evidence-informed programming

RCG’s multifaceted, long-term presence in lower income and conflict-affected countries has reinforced our ability to adapt our findings to the unique challenges of different local contexts. RCG’s clients consistently acknowledge our rigour, depth, breadth and objectivity. We are committed to developing programs informed by evidence, and we quickly appreciate the complexity, dynamics and nuance of each development landscape we encounter.

Dynamic, outcome-focused relationships

We believe that building respectful, inclusive and constructive relationships is crucial for both better research and effective implementation of findings and recommendations. RCG has successfully applied these principles in around 70 countries with a wide range of government, NGO, private sector and community partners. We have worked extensively with vulnerable populations, including victims of trafficking, ethnic minorities, people living in conflict situations and communities at risk of disaster.

Inclusive interpersonal and communication skills

Clients and partners hold RCG consultants in high regard for our ability to relate well to others across cultural, organizational and linguistic barriers. We enjoy working with others and others enjoy working with us. All consultants have high-level communications skills and can convey complex information in concise and easily understandable language. A common outcome of RCG work is enhanced understanding and improved cooperation between different stakeholder groups.

Delivering results

More than 60 percent of RCG assignments come from clients who have previously hired us, reflecting our commitment to quality. Clients engaging RCG can be sure of dealing with a senior consultant, not a delegated junior. Thanks to our extensive experience, RCG has the capacity to mobilize associate consultants who add unique value to a team. Furthermore, we will only draw on associates who have worked directly with, or are personally known to, our core team.

Ensuring value for money

RCG operates as a not-for-profit organization with minimal overheads. Further, RCG only takes assignments in its areas of expertise. Clients do not pay RCG consultants to learn — rather, clients are able to inform their programs by drawing on RCG’s wealth of pre-existing knowledge.

Demonstrating our values through our performance

We are a values-based company that works proactively to promote social justice and ensure that solutions clearly reflect the voice of disadvantaged people. We are particularly committed to promotion of the rights of marginalized groups, and have advanced skills in ensuring women’s participation in our approaches.