A sample of publications prepared by RCG consultants is provided below.
A toolkit for guidance in designing and evaluating counter-trafficking programmes
Barking up the wrong Ps: How the current 3P framework is hindering anti-trafficking efforts and what we might do instead
Re-thinking trafficking prevention: A guide to applying behaviour theory
Taking the safe route: Embedding HIV education during expressway construction in the People’s Republic of China
Review of the Transparency International Pacific Institutional and Network Strengthening Programme
Strengthening community resilience in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Slavery-free recruitment systems: A landscape analysis of fee-free recruitment initiatives
Labour conditions in the Italian tomato-growing sector
Executive summary — Research papers under the Stopping Exploitation through Accessible Services (SEAS of Change) project
Child protection services for Cambodian migrant children and youth, especially girls, in the supply chain of Thai poultry industry
Compendium of trafficked persons rights-centred practices during identification, investigations and court proceedings in East And Horn Of Africa
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