Alessandra Spigno is a research specialist, with extensive research and evaluation experience in the fields of human trafficking, migration, forced labour and supply chains. Her research draws on both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Since joining RCG in early 2016, Alessandra has led or participated in numerous assignments relating to forced labour and human trafficking. She has worked on global responses to trafficking in persons and forced labour for the OSCE, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, IOM, and many others.
Alessandra furthermore led a project on “Messages to Increase Understanding about Forced Labour and Human Trafficking in the FAIR Fish Project” for Plan International, with a focus was on assessing and increasing migrant knowledge of recruitment channels and the associated risks. The project included the facilitation of a workshop on C4D with the FAIR Fish team and other relevant stakeholders.
In 2020, she conducted an analysis for OSCE on public procurement laws and the impact of trade policies shaping global supply chains. Using data from the OSCE pS and NGOs, she provided a comprehensive overview of the status of efforts and progress in the anti-trafficking commitments across the OSCE region.
Alessandra was part of a team for an evaluation of a research and advocacy project on migrant workers in Southeast Asia. The scope and complexity of the evaluation demanded expertise on the key migration corridors in the region in order to harvest the outcomes and capture lessons learnt in this regional project.
Other key experience includes working for IOM to develop a monitoring and complaints mechanism for the International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS), conducting a three-part study into the exploitation and vulnerability of workers in the tomato-growing sector in Italy on behalf of Stronger Together, developing an interactive remediation toolkit for the Mekong Club to assist companies in addressing violations of labour rights and human rights abuses, and research into worker voice mechanisms including hotlines and grievance mechanisms.
Alessandra is currently supporting OSCE in the preparation of the 2020 Survey report on the implementation of the OSCE anti-trafficking commitments.
She is a qualified Labor & Ethics Lead Auditor, having completed the Verité-Responsible Business Alliance (formerly EICC) course. The training covered social systems auditing, interviewing and investigative skills, management systems, validation and reporting. She has also completed the IOM International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS) Social Auditor Training course.
Alessandra holds a degree in sociology from La Sapienza University of Rome with a specialist focus on migration.